I am talking about watching the You Tube link of the Book trailer and then reading this fantabulous Novel known as ARIHANT REPROGRAMMED (Part 4) – MISSION MARTYRS.

The Novel takes a phenomenal start, hurtles ahead at a breakneck speed, pausing intermittently to take some exciting and surprising breaks before forging ahead and flourishing into a grand climax that took my breath away! I could see the great pains taken by the author Shubhan Balvally to research the facts about Indian history, especially the era of Indian struggle against the ruthless British Raj, then deftly intertwining it with unimaginable fiction to give me a thrilling read of a lifetime. The narrative grasped me from the word go and refused to let go of its spell until I finished reading the novel. The end result for me was a rhapsodic high, which I had rarely felt before, post reading a book!

The author has adroitly interwoven adventure, patriotism and technological marvels as the protagonist, Scientist Suraj Singhania and his futuristic soldiers travel back to important moments in India’s fight for freedom against the autocratic British Empire. With the invention of a time machine, the narrative unfurls into a gripping quest to reshape history and honour the unsung heroes who sacrificed everything for their homeland. A solid ‘Two thumbs up’!