Empowering MSMEs with Innovative Tech: Vishal Prakash Shah, Founder & CEO of Synersoft Technologies, on Pioneering Solutions for Small Enterprises

1. You have been a prominent figure in the tech space, especially for MSMEs. What inspired you to focus on developing patented technologies specifically tailored for MSMEs, and how  do these innovations address their unique challenges?

Sixteen years ago, I recognized a significant gap in the technology landscape, particularly  for Indian MSMEs. These enterprises were increasingly dependent on digital assets but  lacked access to affordable, comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, which were typically  geared towards larger companies with bigger budgets and IT teams. It was clear that MSMEs  needed cost-effective solutions to protect their data from loss or theft, while also meeting  strict compliance requirements imposed by larger domestic or international clients.

Existing solutions were often too expensive or too complex, putting MSMEs at a  disadvantage. Compounding this was the lack of skilled IT professionals within these  businesses, which made it difficult for them to manage their data security needs effectively.  Understanding these unique challenges, I was driven to create something tailored  specifically for MSMEs.

This led to the development of BLACKbox, a patented solution designed to simplify  cybersecurity and data protection for smaller enterprises. BLACKbox integrates multiple  essential functions—such as file management, firewall protection, endpoint control, mail  vigilance, VPN, and productivity monitoring—into a single, easy-to-use system. Its  affordability is a game-changer, offering enterprise-grade protection without the hefty price  tag, thus empowering MSMEs to stay secure and competitive in the digital world.

2. Synersoft is known for pioneering solutions like BLACKbox for data protection. Could you share insights into the journey of creating this solution and how it has evolved to meet the  needs of modern businesses in today’s digital landscape?

Synersoft’s journey in developing solutions like BLACKbox is rooted in a strong commitment  to innovation and customer-centric design. In the early stages, we encountered challenges  due to limited awareness around cybersecurity and data protection among MSMEs. 

However, through persistent R&D efforts and close collaboration with our customers, we  gradually shaped solutions that met their evolving needs. One of the key outcomes of this  process was BLACKbox Duo, a secure BYOD solution that enables remote workers to safely  access enterprise data using personal devices.

Another important milestone was the introduction of our hybrid Email System Solution,  which provides substantial cost savings on email subscriptions, along with the  development of the automatic data isolation feature, popularly known as Happy Hours or  Magic Browser—both of which were built in direct response to customer feedback.

As cloud computing gained prominence, we recognized its potential to transform MSMEs.  This led to the creation of BLACKbox OneCloud, a solution that simplifies cloud adoption by  consolidating essential services—like cloud backup, endpoint control, VPN, and device  hardening—into a single agent and subscription. By streamlining these processes, we  significantly reduced the complexity and costs associated with transitioning to the cloud,  empowering MSMEs to enhance their IT infrastructure with ease.

Looking forward, we are focusing on expanding our reach to MSMEs in remote industrial  areas where reliable, high-speed Internet is often a challenge. While cloud solutions are  ideal for some, many businesses in these regions require on-premises deployments due to  the cost and limitations of enterprise-grade Internet connectivity. BLACKbox is designed to  offer such on-premises solutions, ensuring that we can serve MSMEs, even in the last mile. Synersoft’s journey, from its startup roots to becoming a trusted partner for thousands of  MSMEs, highlights our dedication to innovation and addressing the specific challenges  faced by smaller businesses. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, we remain  focused on equipping MSMEs with the tools and technologies they need to succeed.

3. As a serial entrepreneur and investor, what key lessons have you learned through your ventures, and how do these experiences shape your approach to leadership and innovation at Synersoft?

My entrepreneurial journey spans over 29 years, during which I’ve gathered invaluable  lessons that have shaped my approach to both leadership and innovation at Synersoft. One  of the most crucial lessons I’ve learned is the power of delegation. In my experience,  successful delegation isn’t just about assigning tasks; it’s about creating an environment  where processes are well-defined, simplified, and, wherever possible, automated. By  meticulously designing processes and embedding technology into them, we’ve managed to  make Synersoft a process-driven organization. This allows for efficient delegation, reducing  the need for constant decision-making by individuals and freeing up their time for more  creative and strategic work.

I’ve come to understand that when people are relieved of repetitive, mundane tasks, they  become more engaged and are empowered to think outside the box. They can focus on  solving problems, innovating, and driving the business forward. This approach doesn’t just  make the organization more efficient—it fosters a culture of creativity and ownership, which  are vital for long-term success in a competitive tech-driven landscape.

Moreover, my leadership philosophy is centered around igniting a sense of entrepreneurship  within the organization. Every employee, regardless of their role, should feel like a  stakeholder in the company’s success. To achieve this, I believe in incentivizing excellence  in a way that goes beyond just sales or business numbers. It involves quantifying  performance through data-driven metrics that align with the organization’s overall goals.  Each employee at Synersoft has clear visibility into the specific data points that are crucial  to their Key Result Areas (KRA). They know exactly what metrics they need to focus on to

perform better, and, more importantly, they understand how their efforts contribute to the  company’s broader objectives.

Creating this system required a relentless focus on tracking and quantifying performance,  but it has been transformational for us. Our employees are not just working to complete  tasks; they’re motivated by the recognition and appreciation that comes from excelling in  their roles. Whether it’s optimizing processes, improving customer service, or enhancing  technical innovation, every individual’s contribution is measured and rewarded. This not  only drives productivity but also strengthens a culture of continuous improvement. In essence, my experiences have taught me that leadership isn’t about controlling every  aspect of the business. It’s about empowering people, creating a system where they can  thrive, and ensuring that innovation stems from every level of the organization. At Synersoft,  this approach has not only led to operational excellence but has also created an  environment where employees feel invested, motivated, and inspired to contribute to our  collective success.

4. You’ve been called the “Go to Guy” for MSMEs. What common pain points do you see in MSMEs today when it comes to technology, and how does Synersoft aim to resolve these issues?

MSMEs are full of brilliant entrepreneurs with immense potential, but I’ve observed certain  recurring challenges that hinder their growth. Many MSMEs start small and often remain  small throughout their journey. One key reason is that these entrepreneurs tend to be  micro-managers, deeply involved in daily operations, and often struggle to delegate  responsibilities. This hands-on approach, while commendable in the early stages, can  become a bottleneck as the business grows. Without a second line of leadership to take on  key responsibilities and think creatively, MSMEs can find themselves trapped in a cycle of  operational overload. Instead of steering their businesses to new heights, many  entrepreneurs end up functioning like employees in their own companies.

Another major issue is the way MSMEs perceive technology. Many see it as an expense  rather than an investment, which leads them to either neglect it or rely on underqualified  resources for advice. This approach can be detrimental, especially in today’s digital age  where data protection, cybersecurity, and compliance are critical for success. Many MSMEs  attempt to handle their IT needs themselves or through basic, inadequate solutions, which  ultimately leaves them vulnerable to threats like insider data theft, compliance failures, or  devastating data loss.

At Synersoft, we address these pain points by providing MSMEs with our “IT in a Box”  solution, BLACKbox. It is designed to be a plug-and-play system that simplifies data  protection, insider threat mitigation, and cybersecurity compliance. By making these  processes effortless and automated, we free up business owners to focus on growth and  strategy, rather than worrying about passing a cybersecurity audit or recovering from data  breaches. Our goal is to enable MSMEs to move beyond these common operational

challenges, ensuring they remain competitive in an increasingly demanding business  environment.

5. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, where do you see the future of MSME technology heading in the next 5-10 years, and how is Synersoft positioning itself to stay  ahead of the curve?

The next 5-10 years will see MSMEs increasingly adopting technologies such as  Cybersecurity, CRM, ERP, and IoT as these tools become critical for their survival and  growth. The pressure to keep up with larger enterprises, especially those embracing  Industry 4.0 practices, is driving MSMEs toward rapid digitization. The need for secure,  efficient, and scalable IT solutions is more urgent than ever as these smaller businesses are  now expected to meet the same compliance standards and operational demands as their  larger counterparts.

A. SME-Specific Solutions: One of the major trends we foresee is the development of IT solutions tailored specifically for SMEs. Unlike large enterprises, MSMEs operate with constrained budgets and resources. Most cannot afford to invest in expensive, complex IT  infrastructures that require dedicated teams to manage. Understanding this, we at  Synersoft have taken a design-thinking approach to craft IT-in-a-Box products that are  Simple, Effective, Affordable, Dependable, and Scalable (SEADS). This strategy has driven  the success of our flagship product, BLACKbox, making it an ideal fit for SMEs. By providing  an all-in-one solution that integrates multiple functions, we’ve helped businesses achieve  IT standardization and security without the high costs typically associated with enterprise level solutions.

B. Cloud Adoption: Cloud computing is another area that will shape the future of MSME technology. As more Indian MSMEs recognize the benefits of cloud technology—such as scalability, cost-efficiency, and enhanced collaboration—they are seeking solutions that  allow for a seamless transition to the cloud. In response to this, we developed BLACKbox  OneCloud, a revolutionary product aimed at guiding MSMEs through their cloud adoption  journey. One of the key challenges MSMEs face when moving to the cloud is the need to  subscribe to multiple services and install various agents on their devices. BLACKbox  OneCloud addresses this pain point by consolidating cloud backup, device hardening,  endpoint control, and VPN services into one streamlined solution. This not only reduces the  complexity and cost of cloud adoption but also ensures that MSMEs have the tools  necessary to modernize their operations without disruption.

C. The Critical Role of BLACKbox: Moving forward, BLACKbox will continue to play a pivotal role in keeping Indian MSMEs competitive in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. It provides essential plug-and-play functionality for Information Security Compliance, IT  Standardization, and Data Protection. By enabling MSMEs to meet compliance  requirements set by larger enterprises or international clients, BLACKbox ensures that

these businesses can maintain business continuity, avoid competitive exploitation, and  safeguard their data from potential threats.

Synersoft’s vision for the future is clear: we aim to lead MSMEs through this period of digital  transformation by providing them with the right tools to not only survive but thrive. Our  focus on delivering cost-effective, scalable, and simple solutions ensures that even the  smallest businesses can leverage the latest technology trends, stay competitive, and grow  in an increasingly digital economy.

About the respondent

Vishal Prakash Shah is the founder and CEO of Synersoft. He is known as a seasoned  technology stalwart, an inventor of specific patented technologies, a writer, a serial  entrepreneur, an investor, and, importantly, a “Go to Guy” for MSMEs.